Who does St Peters serve?

St Peter’s serves 4 groups within the church…

St Peter’s College is the Sheffield Diocesan learning community for mission and ministry and will support the diocesan vision of growing and strengthen a culture of discipleship in our churches across the Diocese.  It will do this by equipping lay and ordained people to grow the church and by offering training and support in discipleship, in collaboration with the Parish Support Team, to complement what your local church is already doing.

We aim to provide high quality training that is both relevant and appropriate as we seek to grow a mixed economy church in our Diocese.

St Peter’s is not a what but a who…

...it’s a community of all those in ministry in the Diocese and those who want to grow in their faith.

St Peter’s is not something you graduate from...

...you become and remain part of St Peter’s by virtue of being in ministry in the Diocese (but you must activate your membership!)

St Peter’s is not just about short-term training….

...the focus is on life-long learning and formation - supporting and equipping people on their journey of faith and throughout their time in ministry.


Our Purpose

...is to encourage and affirm the flourishing of lay and ordained people of God.

Our Vision

... is that of a learning community that discerns, develops and forms the gifts that people of God bring to the mission and ministry of the church.

Our Values

At the heart of St Peter’s College are the following principles and values:

Ordained Ministers

including incumbent vicars and curates.  Those working towards ordination will do this through other theological colleges

Lay Ministers

including lay readers, pastoral workers, parish evangelists, children and youth workers and any ministry that must be licensed or authorised by the Bishop

Informal Lay Leaders

includes all those ministries that do not need to be licensed or authorised such as worship leader


all those who follow Jesus and wish to grow in their faith

    Core areas of learning

Reproduced by kind permission of St Peter’s College

The Sheffield diocesan learning community for mission & ministry

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 The Parish of Sprotbrough is committed to high  standards in the safeguarding of children, young  people and vulnerable adults.  Our safeguarding  officer is Sue Lennox who can be contacted by email  here,  and our safeguarding policy can be viewed by  following this link-Safeguarding policy