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Main St
Sth Yorkshire
Registered Charity Number 1133069
What does it mean to
be a Christian?
What do Christians believe?
How can I become a Christian?
What next?
God created the universe and everything in it.
God created mankind to populate the world and to enjoy a relationship with Him. He loves us as a perfect father.
God is perfect, and our relationship with Him is spoilt by the wrong things we do – the Bible calls this sin.
There is a price to be paid for our sin – eternal separation from God.
Because He loves us so much, God gave us His son, Jesus, to pay the price for our sin – that is why he was crucified.
If we accept that we are sinners and that Jesus died in our place and ask for God’s forgiveness, our relationship with God is repaired and we can live in relationship with Him again. We accept God’s sovereignty in our lives. This is what being a Christian is – following God’s teaching.
Jesus defeated death; God brought him back to life, so we can look forward to eternity with Him in heaven.
When we become Christians, God gives us His Holy Spirit to help us follow him and become more like Jesus.
‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’
John 3:16
When we recognise that we are sinners and that Jesus died in our place, we need to ask for God’s forgiveness and accept God’s sovereignty in our lives.
We can do this with a simple prayer:-
Jesus, I believe you were sent by God to take the punishment I deserved and to be my saviour. Please forgive me and set me free from my sin. Come into my life and fulfil the longing in my heart that I have had for so long. Please give me your Holy Spirit so I may understand and follow your ways. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer.
In Jesus’ name I pray.
‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’
Romans 10:13
Sunday Services:
10.15am Holy Communion
1st Sunday of the month:
12.30pm Baptisms
2nd Sunday of the month:
8.30am Holy Communion
10.15am All age Worship
4th Sunday of the month:
12.30pm Thanksgiving for Gift of a Child
(on request)
You may be interested in how to introduce your child to God.
Starting Rite helps you to think through and answr some of these questions, while having lots of play and bonding with your
Have you been Baptised?
If not you might like to think about that. Baptism is a 'sacrament', a visible sign of God's love. In baptism, we are thanking God for his gift of life and publicly acknowledging his love. We are acknowledging that we all need to turn away from selfishness and evil and to accept God’s offer of a new start. It is the start of a lifetime’s faith journey.
You could go on to be confirmed, in which you confirm the promises that were made when were baptised.
St Mary’s runs a course called ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’, which is a short course exploring the Christian faith.
We also have a number of Fellowship groups. These are small groups that meet in individuals homes, mostly twice monthly, to study the Bible, pray & worship together and grow together as Christians.
if you are interested in finding out more, contact any of the following:-
Rector: Revd Amanda Barraclough 01302 854836
Curate : Revd Robert Heaton 01302 570209
Diocesan Reader: Betty Brockman 01302 852046
click here printable version of "What does it mean to be a Christian"
St Mary’s Church
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Main St
Sth Yorkshire
Registered Charity Number 1133069